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Chaidim's Blog

  • July 17, 2014

    What's Really Inside a Commercial Teabag ?

    What's Really Inside a Commercial Teabag | Chaidim Organic Tea Blog

    If you want to know what's in a tea bag, just have a look at these pictures taken this morning while working on our Chaidim Organic Shin Chin Oolong. It's called "leftovers" (technically Fannings"). Originally, these small pieces of tea were treated as the rejects of the manufacturing process in making high quality leaf tea like the orange pekoe. Fannings with extremely small particles are sometimes called dusts. Fannings and dusts are considered the lowest grades of tea, separated from broken-leaf teas which have larger pieces of the leaves. 

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  • June 27, 2014

    A Oolong Tea Love Story

    When and why was the company/brand founded?

    Chaidim is a brand powered by E.L.F.B. (Thailand) Co. Ltd., it was founded on December 2013 by two tea-addicted, heavy Oolong drinkers, to promote a healthy lifestyle selling flavorful Thai Oolong tea worldwide.

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